陶闯 Vincent Tao



陶闯毕业于武汉大学。1997年获加拿大卡尔加里大学博士。曾在加拿大阿尔伯特省技术投资部负责风险投资,后任教于卡尔加里大学,并在2000年取得终身教授职位。后荣膺加拿大国家首席研究教授之衔。发表论文200多篇并拥有多项技术专利。2003年被加拿大总理授予“科研与企业技术合作”国家最高奖,成为加拿大高新技术创新的杰出代表。之后,陶闯创办GeoTango并担任CEO,开发了世界上最早的商用三维地球可视化影像系统GlobeView(比Google Earth早近两年),2005年微软达成并购GeoTango协议,并特聘陶参与领导Bill Gates战略项目——微软虚拟地球部的创立。陶闯因此成为微软并购历史上第一个华人企业家,缔造了华人创业史上的传奇佳话。

Dr. Vincent Tao is the CEO of PPLive Juli Media. Dr. Tao is recognized as an entrepreneur with rich experience in the internet industry and capital operation.

Before joining PPLive, Dr. Tao was the founder of Virtual Earth team at Microsoft, and created a 3D global map based on cloud computing. He also participated in over ten acquisitions at Microsoft. In 2001, Dr. Tao founded GeoTango 3D map company in Canada, and its product GlobeView 3D visual earth system was three years earlier than Google Earth. The company was acquired by Microsoft in 2005, and Dr. Tao became the first Chinese entrepreneur that sold companies to Microsoft. At 35, Dr. Tao was a tenure professor at York University in Canada and was awarded Canada’s chief researcher. In addition, Dr. Tao serves as a senior advisor at the United Nations, and devoted time in angel investing and charity. Dr. Tao is regarded as one of the most philanthropic entrepreneurs.

PPTV Internet TV is Dr. Tao’s second start-up, and he is aiming to build PPTV the No. 1 media with the highest brand value.
